579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC: An Overview

579 Granby, QC is a charming and vibrant neighborhood nestled within the picturesque city of Granby, Quebec. This historic district has played a pivotal role in the city’s development, boasting a rich tapestry of architectural heritage, notable residents, and thriving businesses. Today, 579 Granby, QC continues to evolve as a vibrant and sought-after destination, offering a unique blend of history, culture, and modern conveniences.

Historical Significance of 579 Granby, QC

The history of 579 Granby, QC is deeply intertwined with the growth of Granby itself. The neighborhood emerged in the late 19th century as the city’s industrial hub, attracting a diverse population of workers and entrepreneurs. The neighborhood’s historic buildings, such as the iconic Granby Textile Mill, bear witness to this industrial past and serve as reminders of the neighborhood’s contribution to the city’s economic prosperity.

Architectural Features of 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC is renowned for its stunning architectural heritage. The neighborhood is home to a diverse array of buildings, ranging from grand Victorian mansions to quaint workers’ cottages. The Granby Textile Mill, with its towering smokestack and distinctive brickwork, stands as a testament to the neighborhood’s industrial past. Other notable architectural landmarks include the historic Granby Opera House and the elegant St. George’s Anglican Church.

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Notable Residents of 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC has been home to a number of notable residents throughout its history. One of the most famous is Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada’s seventh Prime Minister. Laurier lived in Granby for several years and played a key role in the city’s development. Other notable residents include Sir George-Étienne Cartier, one of the Fathers of Confederation, and Dr. John A. Macdonald, the first Prime Minister of Canada.

Businesses and Industries in 579 Granby, QC

Today, 579 Granby, QC is home to a vibrant mix of businesses and industries. The neighborhood is known for its thriving retail sector, with a wide variety of shops, boutiques, and restaurants. The neighborhood is also home to a number of small businesses and startups, contributing to the area’s diverse economic landscape.

Schools and Educational Institutions in 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC is well-served by a number of schools and educational institutions. The neighborhood is home to several elementary schools, as well as a high school and a vocational training center. The neighborhood is also home to the Granby Campus of the Université de Sherbrooke, offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.

Parks and Recreational Amenities in 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC offers a wide range of parks and recreational amenities for residents and visitors alike. The neighborhood is home to several parks, including the historic Miner Park, which features a playground, splash pad, and picnic areas. The neighborhood is also home to the Granby Zoo, a popular destination for families and nature enthusiasts.

Transportation and Accessibility of 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC is easily accessible by both public and private transportation. The neighborhood is served by several bus routes, providing convenient access to other parts of the city. The neighborhood is also located near Highway 10, providing easy access to Montreal and other major cities in the region.

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Community Involvement and Events in 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC is a vibrant and engaged community, with a number of active community organizations and events. The neighborhood is home to several community centers, which offer a variety of programs and activities for residents of all ages. The neighborhood also hosts a number of annual events, such as the Granby International Festival and the Granby Marathon.

Future Plans and Development for 579 Granby, QC

579 Granby, QC is poised for continued growth and development in the years to come. The neighborhood is currently undergoing a number of revitalization projects, aimed at improving the neighborhood’s infrastructure and public spaces. The neighborhood is also home to a number of new residential and commercial developments, which are expected to attract new residents and businesses to the area.


What is the population of 579 Granby, QC?

According to the 2021 census, the population of 579 Granby, QC is approximately 5,000 people.

What is the average home price in 579 Granby, QC?

The average home price in 579 Granby, QC is approximately $300,000.

What are the major industries in 579 Granby, QC?

The major industries in 579 Granby, QC include manufacturing, retail, and tourism.

What are the major attractions in 579 Granby, QC?

The major attractions in 579 Granby, QC include the Granby Zoo, the Granby Museum, and the Granby International Festival.

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