931 – Clarksville, TN area code

Clarksville, TN Area Code: 931

The Clarksville, Tennessee area code, 931, is a unique identifier assigned to the region encompassing Clarksville and its surrounding communities. This article delves into the history, geographic coverage, current usage, and future prospects of the 931 area code.

History and Geographic Coverage of 931 Area Code

The 931 area code was created in 1999 as a split from the 615 area code, which had previously served the entire Middle Tennessee region. The 931 area code was initially assigned to a small portion of Montgomery County, including the city of Clarksville.

Over the years, the geographic coverage of 931 has expanded to include all of Montgomery County, as well as portions of Robertson, Stewart, Dickson, and Houston counties. The 931 area code now encompasses a diverse region encompassing urban, suburban, and rural communities.

Current Usage and Population Served by 931

The 931 area code is currently used by approximately 250,000 people residing in the Clarksville metropolitan area. The population served by 931 is expected to continue growing in the coming years, reflecting the region’s steady economic development and population influx.

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The 931 area code is utilized by a wide range of individuals, including residents, businesses, and government agencies. It serves as a vital communication tool for local communities, facilitating social interactions, business transactions, and access to essential services.

Calls Originating from 931: Dialing Procedures

When making calls from within the 931 area code, local callers can dial seven-digit numbers. However, when calling outside the 931 area code, callers must dial the full 10-digit number, including the area code.

For example, when calling from Clarksville to Nashville (area code 615), callers would dial 615-555-1212. It is important to note that long-distance charges may apply when calling outside the local area code.

Receiving Calls with 931 Area Code: Call Forwarding

Individuals receiving calls from the 931 area code can utilize call forwarding services to redirect incoming calls to another phone number. This feature allows users to receive calls from the 931 area code while being physically located outside the coverage area.

Call forwarding can be activated through the user’s phone carrier. Users can choose to forward all calls or only specific calls based on caller ID or other criteria. Call forwarding can be a convenient option for businesses or individuals who need to maintain their 931 area code while traveling or working remotely.

Emergency Services and 911 in the 931 Area

In the event of an emergency, residents of the 931 area code can dial 911 to access emergency services such as police, fire, and medical assistance. 911 calls are routed to the appropriate dispatch center based on the caller’s location within the 931 area code.

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It is crucial to remember that 911 should only be used for emergencies. Misusing 911 can lead to penalties and divert resources from genuine emergencies. For non-emergency inquiries, residents can contact their local police or fire department directly.

Businesses and Organizations Utilizing 931

The 931 area code is used by a wide variety of businesses and organizations operating in the Clarksville metropolitan area. These include:

  • Healthcare providers
  • Educational institutions
  • Financial institutions
  • Retail and hospitality businesses
  • Government agencies
  • Non-profit organizations

The 931 area code provides a local identity for businesses and organizations, allowing them to connect with customers and clients in the region. It also facilitates communication and collaboration within the local business community.

Future Plans and Impact on 931 Area Code

The 931 area code is currently adequate to meet the communication needs of the Clarksville metropolitan area. However, as the population continues to grow and new technologies emerge, the future demand for telephone numbers may increase.

In anticipation of future growth, telecommunications providers are exploring various options, including implementing overlay area codes or utilizing new numbering systems. These measures aim to ensure that the Clarksville region has sufficient telephone numbers to accommodate future needs.

Tips for Navigating 931 Area Code Dialing

Here are some tips for navigating 931 area code dialing:

  • When calling within the 931 area code, dial only the seven-digit phone number.
  • When calling outside the 931 area code, dial the full 10-digit number, including the area code.
  • If you have a 931 area code phone number and need to receive calls while outside the coverage area, consider using call forwarding services.
  • In case of an emergency, dial 911 from any phone within the 931 area code to access emergency services.
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Conclusion: Importance and Evolution of 931

The 931 area code is an integral part of the Clarksville, Tennessee region, providing a unique identifier for residents, businesses, and organizations. It facilitates communication, connects communities, and enables access to essential services.

As the Clarksville metropolitan area continues to grow and evolve, the 931 area code will adapt to meet the changing communication needs of the region. By understanding the history, usage, and future prospects of the 931 area code, individuals and businesses can effectively navigate the local telecommunications landscape.


Q: What is the area code for Clarksville, TN?
A: 931

Q: When was the 931 area code created?
A: 1999

Q: What counties are covered by the 931 area code?
A: Montgomery, Robertson, Stewart, Dickson, and Houston counties

Q: How many people are served by the 931 area code?
A: Approximately 250,000

Q: How do I dial a number outside the 931 area code?
A: Dial the full 10-digit number, including the area code.

Q: Can I forward calls from my 931 area code phone number?
A: Yes, through your phone carrier’s call forwarding services.

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