Area code 01274 Bradford

Area Code 01274: A Comprehensive Guide

Area code 01274 is a geographical identifier assigned to the city of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. It is administered by the Office of Communications (Ofcom) and is part of the 01274-01276 area code range. This comprehensive guide provides detailed information about area code 01274, covering its historical significance, geographical boundaries, population, major cities and towns, economic profile, transportation infrastructure, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and notable landmarks.

Historical Significance of Area Code 01274

Area code 01274 was introduced in 1995 as part of the nationwide implementation of area codes in the United Kingdom. Prior to this, Bradford was served by the 0274 area code, which was introduced in 1958. The 0274 area code was one of the original STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) codes introduced in the UK in 1958.

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Geographical Boundaries and Coverage of Area Code 01274

Area code 01274 covers the city of Bradford and its surrounding areas. It includes the following postal codes: BD1-BD24, BD80-BD81, and BD90-BD99. The area code covers a total area of approximately 362 square kilometers (140 square miles).

Population and Demographics Served by Area Code 01274

As of 2021, the population of the area served by area code 01274 is estimated to be around 539,000. The population is predominantly urban, with the majority of residents living in the city of Bradford. The area is ethnically diverse, with significant populations of South Asian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi origin.

Major Cities and Towns within Area Code 01274

The largest city within area code 01274 is Bradford, with a population of over 522,000. Other major towns within the area code include:

  • Bingley
  • Cleckheaton
  • Denholme
  • Haworth
  • Ilkley
  • Keighley
  • Otley
  • Pudsey
  • Shipley
  • Silsden

Economic Profile and Key Industries in Area Code 01274

Bradford is a major economic center in the north of England. The city has a diverse economy with key industries including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Engineering
  • Textiles
  • Retail
  • Tourism
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare

Transportation Infrastructure Serving Area Code 01274

Bradford is well-connected by road, rail, and air. The city is served by the M606 motorway, which provides access to Manchester and Leeds. Bradford Interchange is the city’s main railway station, with regular services to London, Manchester, Leeds, and other major cities. Leeds Bradford Airport is located just outside the city and offers domestic and international flights.

Educational Institutions and Resources in Area Code 01274

Bradford is home to several higher education institutions, including:

  • University of Bradford
  • Leeds Beckett University
  • Bradford College
  • Shipley College
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The area also has a number of primary and secondary schools, including:

  • Bradford Grammar School
  • Belle Vue Girls’ School
  • St. Bede’s Grammar School
  • Allerton High School

Healthcare Facilities and Services in Area Code 01274

Bradford is served by a range of healthcare facilities, including:

  • Bradford Royal Infirmary
  • St. Luke’s Hospital
  • Airedale Hospital
  • Wharfedale Hospital
  • Manor Park Surgery

The area also has a number of community health centers and GP surgeries.

Notable Landmarks and Attractions in Area Code 01274

Area code 01274 is home to a number of notable landmarks and attractions, including:

  • Bradford City Hall
  • National Science and Media Museum
  • Bradford Industrial Museum
  • Salts Mill
  • Haworth Parsonage Museum
  • Ilkley Moor


Q: What is the area code for Bradford, West Yorkshire?

A: 01274

Q: When was area code 01274 introduced?

A: 1995

Q: What is the population of the area served by area code 01274?

A: Approximately 539,000 (as of 2021)

Q: What are the major industries in the area served by area code 01274?

A: Manufacturing, engineering, textiles, retail, tourism, financial services, and healthcare

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