Area code 017684 Pooley Bridge

Introduction to Area Code 017684 Pooley Bridge

Area code 017684 is assigned to the Pooley Bridge area in the United Kingdom. It is one of the many area codes used in the Cumbrian region of England and is administered by Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator.

Geographic Coverage of Area Code 017684

Area code 017684 covers a relatively small geographic area located in the northern part of the Lake District National Park. It primarily includes the village of Pooley Bridge and its surrounding rural areas. The area is characterized by picturesque landscapes, rolling hills, and scenic lakes.

Historical Background of Area Code 017684

The 017684 area code was introduced in 1995 as part of a national reorganization of the UK’s telephone numbering system. Before that, the area was covered by the 01768 code, which also included the town of Penrith. The split into separate area codes was done to accommodate the growing demand for telephone lines in the region.

Population Served by Area Code 017684

According to the latest estimates, the population served by area code 017684 is approximately 1,500 people. The majority of the population resides in the village of Pooley Bridge, with the remaining population scattered in the surrounding countryside. The area has a low population density compared to other parts of the UK.

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Major Towns and Villages within Area Code 017684

The primary town within area code 017684 is Pooley Bridge, which is a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the Lake District National Park. Other villages in the area include:

  • Askham
  • Helton
  • Mardale
  • Shap
  • Threlkeld

Local Government and Representation in Area Code 017684

Area code 017684 falls within the jurisdiction of Cumbria County Council, which is responsible for providing local government services to the area. The county council is divided into six districts, with the Pooley Bridge area falling under the Eden District Council.

Economic Activity and Industries within Area Code 017684

The economy of the Pooley Bridge area is primarily driven by tourism and agriculture. The village is a popular base for exploring the Lake District National Park, and there are numerous hotels, guesthouses, and restaurants catering to visitors. Agriculture remains an important industry, with sheep farming being the dominant agricultural activity.

Notable Landmarks and Attractions in Area Code 017684

Pooley Bridge is home to several notable landmarks and attractions, including:

  • Pooley Bridge itself, a historic stone bridge that spans the River Eamont
  • Dalemain Mansion, a 17th-century country house open to the public
  • Ullswater, a large lake popular for boating and fishing
  • Aira Force, a scenic waterfall located in the Lake District National Park

Transportation Infrastructure in Area Code 017684

The Pooley Bridge area is accessible by road, with the A66 trunk road passing through the village. The nearest railway station is located in Penrith, approximately 10 miles to the east. There are also regular bus services connecting Pooley Bridge to other towns and villages in the region.

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Future Development and Outlook for Area Code 017684

The future development of the Pooley Bridge area is likely to be focused on sustainable tourism and the preservation of the natural environment. The area’s scenic beauty and proximity to the Lake District National Park make it an attractive destination for visitors, and there is potential for growth in the tourism sector.


Q: What is the area code for Pooley Bridge?
A: The area code for Pooley Bridge is 017684.

Q: What region of the UK is area code 017684 in?
A: Area code 017684 is located in the Cumbrian region of England.

Q: What is the population of the area served by area code 017684?
A: The population served by area code 017684 is approximately 1,500 people.

Q: What are the major industries in the Pooley Bridge area?
A: The major industries in the Pooley Bridge area are tourism and agriculture.

Q: What are some notable landmarks in the Pooley Bridge area?
A: Notable landmarks in the Pooley Bridge area include Pooley Bridge, Dalemain Mansion, Ullswater, and Aira Force.

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