Area code 01873 Abergavenny

History of Area Code 01873 Abergavenny

The 01873 area code was introduced in 1995 as part of the Postcode Address File (PAF) system, which assigned telephone numbers to specific geographic locations. Prior to this, the area was covered by the 0600 code, which was shared with a wider region including Hereford and Monmouth. The introduction of the 01873 code aimed to improve local call routing and provide a more efficient telecommunications network for the Abergavenny area.

Geographical Coverage of Area Code 01873

The 01873 area code covers the town of Abergavenny and its surrounding areas in Monmouthshire, Wales. It includes the villages and towns of Llanfoist, Llanover, Govilon, and Crickhowell, as well as the wider rural areas of the Usk Valley and the Brecon Beacons National Park. The code’s geographical boundary generally follows the administrative borders of Monmouthshire County Council, with some minor exceptions.

Notable Locations within the 01873 Area

The 01873 area code encompasses several notable landmarks and attractions, including:

  • Abergavenny Castle, a medieval fortress built in the 11th century.
  • Llanthony Priory, a ruined Augustinian monastery founded in 1108.
  • The Brecon Beacons National Park, a vast and scenic mountain range.
  • The River Usk, a salmon-rich river known for its picturesque scenery.
  • The Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal, a historic waterway connecting Abergavenny to Brecon.
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Population Statistics for the 01873 Area

As of 2021, the population of the 01873 area is estimated to be approximately 55,000 people. The area has experienced steady population growth in recent years, driven by its proximity to major cities such as Cardiff and Bristol, as well as its scenic landscapes and thriving local economy.

Economic Profile of the 01873 Region

The 01873 region has a diverse economy, with a mix of industries including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, and services. Tourism is a major contributor to the local economy, with visitors attracted to the area’s historical sites, natural beauty, and outdoor activities. Agriculture remains an important industry, with sheep and cattle farming prevalent in the rural areas. Manufacturing industries include electronics, engineering, and food processing, while the services sector is growing with a focus on financial services, healthcare, and education.

Telecommunications Infrastructure in the 01873 Area

The 01873 area has a well-developed telecommunications infrastructure, with a high level of broadband and mobile coverage. Major network operators such as BT, Sky, and Virgin Media provide a range of broadband services, including fiber-optic and cable broadband. Mobile coverage is also excellent, with all major mobile networks providing 4G and 5G services throughout the area.

Future Trends for Area Code 01873

The 01873 area code is expected to continue to grow in the future, driven by population growth and economic development. The increasing adoption of broadband and mobile technologies will further enhance the area’s connectivity and access to digital services. The expansion of tourism and the growth of the services sector are likely to contribute to the area’s economic prosperity.

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Emergency Services in the 01873 Area

In case of an emergency, residents of the 01873 area can reach the following emergency services:

  • Police: 999
  • Ambulance: 999
  • Fire and Rescue: 999

Important Numbers in the 01873 Area

Other important telephone numbers for the 01873 area include:

  • Abergavenny Town Council: 01873 852771
  • Monmouthshire County Council: 01633 644644
  • Abergavenny Police Station: 01873 853333
  • Nevill Hall Hospital: 01873 852222

How to Obtain a Number in the 01873 Area

To obtain a telephone number in the 01873 area, you can contact a telecommunications service provider such as BT, Sky, or Virgin Media. You will need to provide your address to determine if you are within the 01873 area code. The provider will then assign you a new telephone number and set up your service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the area code for Abergavenny?
A: The area code for Abergavenny is 01873.

Q: What area does the 01873 code cover?
A: The 01873 area code covers the town of Abergavenny and its surrounding areas in Monmouthshire, Wales.

Q: Can I get a number in the 01873 area if I live outside the area?
A: Yes, it is possible to obtain a number in the 01873 area even if you live outside the geographical boundary. However, you may need to contact a specialized telecommunications provider.

Q: How do I contact the emergency services in the 01873 area?
A: To contact the emergency services in the 01873 area, dial 999.

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