Norway Dialing Information

Norway Dialing Codes and Country Code

Country Calling Code:

Norway’s country calling code is +47. This code must be dialed before any Norwegian phone number when calling from outside the country.

How to Call Norway from Any Country

To call a Norwegian phone number from another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country.
  2. Dial +47, Norway’s country calling code.
  3. Dial the local area code (if applicable).
  4. Dial the local phone number.

International Dialing Format for Norway

The international dialing format for Norway is:

+47 (area code) (local number)

For example, to call a number in Oslo, the capital of Norway, you would dial:

+47 2 (local number)

Area Codes and Local Numbers in Norway

Norwegian area codes are two digits long and are used to designate the geographic region where the phone number is located. Some common area codes include:

  • Oslo: 2
  • Bergen: 55
  • Trondheim: 73
  • Stavanger: 51

Local numbers are 8 digits long.

Mobile Phone Numbers in Norway

Norwegian mobile phone numbers are typically 8 digits long and start with the digits "9" or "4". They are not preceded by an area code.

Using a Calling Card to Call Norway

Calling cards can be used to call Norway from abroad. To do so:

  1. Purchase a calling card from a reputable provider.
  2. Dial the access number provided on the card.
  3. Enter your PIN number.
  4. Dial +47, Norway’s country calling code.
  5. Dial the local area code (if applicable).
  6. Dial the local phone number.
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Making Calls from Norway to Abroad

To call a foreign phone number from Norway, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the international exit code for Norway: 00.
  2. Dial the country calling code for the destination country.
  3. Dial the area code (if applicable).
  4. Dial the local phone number.

Emergency Numbers and Special Services in Norway

Important emergency numbers in Norway include:

  • Police: 112
  • Ambulance: 113
  • Fire department: 110

Tips for Calling Norway Successfully

  • Check the time difference between your country and Norway before calling.
  • Use a calling card or VoIP service to save on international calling costs.
  • When dialing from abroad, be sure to include all the necessary prefixes, including the country calling code and area code.
  • Be aware that some Norwegian phone numbers may require you to dial an additional digit (usually "0") after the area code.

Troubleshooting Common Dialing Issues

If you experience any problems dialing a Norwegian phone number, try the following:

  • Check that you are using the correct country calling code (+47).
  • Verify that you are dialing the correct area code (if applicable).
  • Ensure that you are not missing any digits from the local phone number.
  • If you are using a calling card, make sure that you are entering your PIN number correctly.

Useful Resources

Get a Virtual Phone Number


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