Djibouti Dialing Information

Djibouti: Country Code and Dialing Format

Country Code: +253

Dialing Format: +253 + area code + local number

Area Codes:

  • 25 – Djibouti City
  • 26 – Arta
  • 27 – Ali Sabieh
  • 28 – Tadjourah

How to Dial a Landline Number in Djibouti

From within Djibouti:

  1. Dial the country code: +253
  2. Dial the area code (2-digit)
  3. Dial the local number (5-digit)

Example: To dial a landline number in Djibouti City: +253 25 12345

From outside Djibouti:

  1. Dial the international access code: 00 (or +)
  2. Dial the country code: 253
  3. Dial the area code (2-digit)
  4. Dial the local number (5-digit)

Example: To dial a landline number in Djibouti City from the United States: 00253 25 12345

Dialing a Mobile Number in Djibouti

From within Djibouti:

  1. Dial the country code: +253
  2. Dial the mobile number (8-digit)

Example: To dial a mobile number in Djibouti: +253 77 123456

From outside Djibouti:

  1. Dial the international access code: 00 (or +)
  2. Dial the country code: 253
  3. Dial the mobile number (8-digit)

Example: To dial a mobile number in Djibouti from the United Kingdom: 00253 77 123456

Emergency Numbers in Djibouti

  • Police: 17
  • Fire: 18
  • Ambulance: 19

International Dialing from Djibouti

To dial a country from Djibouti:

  1. Dial the international access code: 00 (or +)
  2. Dial the country code of the destination country
  3. Dial the local number in the destination country
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Example: To dial the United States from Djibouti: 001 212 555 1212

Dialing Djibouti from Abroad

To dial Djibouti from any country:

  1. Dial the international access code: 00 (or +)
  2. Dial the country code: 253
  3. Dial the area code (2-digit)
  4. Dial the local number (5-digit)

Example: To dial a landline number in Djibouti City from the United Kingdom: 00253 25 12345

Using a Landline to Call Djibouti

From a landline in most countries:

  1. Dial the international access code: 00 (or +)
  2. Dial the country code: 253
  3. Dial the area code (2-digit)
  4. Dial the local number (5-digit)

Example: To dial a landline number in Djibouti City from a landline in the United States: 00253 25 12345

Using a Mobile Phone to Call Djibouti

From a mobile phone in most countries:

  1. Dial the international access code: + (or 00)
  2. Dial the country code: 253
  3. Dial the area code (2-digit)
  4. Dial the local number (5-digit)

Example: To dial a landline number in Djibouti City from a mobile phone in the United Kingdom: +253 25 12345

VoIP Services for Calling Djibouti

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services can be used to call Djibouti at lower rates than traditional landlines or mobile phones. Some popular VoIP providers include:

  • Skype
  • Viber
  • WhatsApp
  • Google Voice

Tips for Calling Djibouti

  • When dialing from outside Djibouti, always include the country code (+253).
  • If you are calling a mobile number, do not include the "0" before the number.
  • The best time to call Djibouti is during business hours (8am-5pm local time).
  • Be aware that international calls to Djibouti can be expensive.
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