Eritrea Dialing Information

Eritrea Dialing Codes and Calling Information

Country Code for Eritrea

The country code for Eritrea is +291. This code must be dialed before the national telephone number when calling Eritrea from abroad.

Example: To call a number in Asmara from the United States, dial: +291 1 123456

Area Codes for Major Cities in Eritrea

Eritrea does not utilize area codes. All telephone numbers in Eritrea are dialed using the same national dialing format.

Mobile Phone Codes in Eritrea

Mobile phone numbers in Eritrea are typically 9 digits long and begin with the following prefixes:

  • 40 – EriTel
  • 63 – MTN

Emergency Numbers in Eritrea

  • Police: 113
  • Ambulance: 114
  • Fire Department: 115

International Dialing from Eritrea

To make an international call from Eritrea, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code: 00
  2. Dial the country code of the destination country
  3. Dial the area code (if applicable)
  4. Dial the local telephone number

Example: To call a number in the United States from Eritrea, dial: 00 1 212 123456

Calling Eritrea from Abroad

To call a number in Eritrea from another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial your country’s international access code
  2. Dial the country code for Eritrea: +291
  3. Dial the national telephone number

Example: To call a number in Asmara from the United States, dial: 011 291 1 123456

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Time Zones and Business Hours in Eritrea

Eritrea is in the East Africa Time Zone (UTC+3). Business hours in Eritrea typically run from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Sunday through Thursday.

Useful Tips for Calling Eritrea

  • When calling from a landline, you may need to dial an additional "0" before the national telephone number.
  • Mobile phone numbers in Eritrea are always dialed with the prefix "0" before the 9-digit number.
  • It is recommended to use a calling card or VoIP service when calling Eritrea from abroad to save on costs.

Troubleshooting Common Dialing Issues

  • If you encounter a busy signal or cannot connect to the number you are calling, try again later.
  • Ensure that you are dialing the correct country code and telephone number.
  • If you are calling from a landline, check that you have dialed the correct exit code and "0" prefix.
  • If you are experiencing any other dialing issues, contact your telephone service provider for assistance.

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