Gabon Dialing Information

Gabon Country Code

The country calling code for Gabon is +241. This code must be used when dialing a phone number in Gabon from another country. For example, to call a landline in Libreville from the United States, you would dial +241 1 77 11 22.

Gabon Area Codes

Gabon does not use area codes. All landline numbers are seven digits long. Mobile phone numbers are nine digits long and start with a "0".

Dialing From Within Gabon

To dial a landline number from within Gabon, dial the full seven-digit number. To dial a mobile phone number, dial the full nine-digit number.

Dialing From Outside Gabon

To dial a phone number in Gabon from outside the country, dial the country calling code (+241), followed by the seven-digit landline number or the nine-digit mobile phone number.

Using an Exit Code

To make an international call from Gabon, you must first dial the exit code, which is 00. After dialing the exit code, dial the country code, followed by the phone number.

Special Telephone Numbers

The following are some important special telephone numbers in Gabon:

  • Police: 17
  • Ambulance: 18
  • Fire department: 118
  • Directory assistance: 100

Mobile Phone Dialing

Mobile phone numbers in Gabon are nine digits long and start with a "0". To dial a mobile phone number from within Gabon, dial the full nine-digit number. To dial a mobile phone number from outside Gabon, dial the country calling code (+241), followed by the nine-digit mobile phone number.

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International Calling Rates

International calling rates from Gabon vary depending on the destination country. You can check with your service provider for specific rates.

Call Waiting and Call Forwarding

Call waiting and call forwarding are available in Gabon. To activate these services, contact your service provider.

Emergency Services Contact Information

The following are the contact numbers for emergency services in Gabon:

  • Police: 17
  • Ambulance: 18
  • Fire department: 118

Recent Changes

There have been no recent changes to dialing procedures or codes for Gabon.

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