Guinea Dialing Information

Guinea Area Code and Country Code

Country Calling Code:
The country calling code for Guinea is +224. This code must be dialed before the local phone number when making a call to Guinea from another country.

Area Codes:
Guinea does not utilize area codes. All phone numbers in the country use the same national dialing format.

Dialing Format for Calls to Guinea

To call a phone number in Guinea from another country:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country (e.g., 011 for the United States).
  2. Dial the country calling code for Guinea: +224.
  3. Dial the local phone number (8 digits).

Example: To call a mobile number in Guinea (0123456789) from the United States, dial: 011 + 224 + 0123456789

Dialing Format for Calls from Guinea

To call a phone number outside of Guinea:

  1. Dial the international access code (00).
  2. Dial the country calling code for the destination country.
  3. Dial the area code (if applicable).
  4. Dial the local phone number.

Example: To call a landline number in the United States (1234567890) from Guinea, dial: 00 + 1 + 212 + 1234567890

Emergency Numbers in Guinea

  • Police: 117
  • Ambulance: 118
  • Fire Department: 119
  • Gendarmerie: 122

Mobile Phone Networks in Guinea

The main mobile phone networks in Guinea include:

  • Orange Guinée
  • MTN Guinée
  • Cellcom Guinée
  • Sotelgui
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Calling Cards and Calling Apps for Guinea

Calling cards and calling apps can be used to make international calls to Guinea at reduced rates. Some popular options include:

  • Calling Cards: Atomy, TeleGlobal, Lebara
  • Calling Apps: WhatsApp, Viber, Skype

International Call Rates to and from Guinea

International call rates to and from Guinea vary depending on the service provider and the destination country. It is recommended to check with your service provider for specific rates.

Time Zone Considerations for Calls to Guinea

Guinea is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone. When making calls from a different time zone, consider the time difference to avoid calling at inappropriate hours.

Tips for Making Calls to and from Guinea

  • When dialing from abroad, ensure that you include the correct country calling code (+224).
  • When dialing from within Guinea, use the international access code (00) for international calls.
  • Be aware of the time difference when making calls across different time zones.
  • Use calling cards or calling apps to reduce international call costs.
  • Contact your service provider for specific call rates and any additional charges that may apply.

Troubleshooting International Calls to Guinea

If you encounter problems making or receiving international calls to Guinea, try the following:

  • Check that you have dialed the correct country calling code (+224).
  • Ensure that your phone is not blocked for international calls.
  • Contact your service provider for assistance.

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