Area code 01687 Mallaig

Area Code 01687: Mallaig, Scotland

Geographical Location and Coastal Charm

Area code 01687 encompasses the picturesque town of Mallaig, nestled on the west coast of Scotland, in the heart of the Highlands. Surrounded by stunning coastal landscapes, Mallaig boasts rugged shorelines, secluded bays, and breathtaking views of the surrounding islands. The town’s idyllic location on the Sound of Sleat offers a serene and enchanting setting.

Historical Significance and Maritime Heritage

Mallaig emerged as a significant herring port in the late 19th century, and its maritime heritage remains deeply embedded in its identity. The town’s bustling harbor played a pivotal role in the fishing industry, and today, it serves as a hub for ferries connecting to Skye and the Small Isles. Mallaig’s maritime legacy is celebrated through its historic fishing boats, monuments, and the renowned Mallaig and Morar Heritage Centre.

Transportation Hub and Tourist Destination

Mallaig serves as a key transportation hub, connecting the Scottish mainland to the Isle of Skye and the Outer Hebrides. The iconic Jacobite Steam Train passes through Mallaig, offering a breathtaking scenic journey along the picturesque West Highland Line. Moreover, the town’s proximity to Glenfinnan, Arisaig, and Morar attracts a steady stream of tourists seeking stunning landscapes and outdoor adventures.

Industries and Economic Activity

Tourism is a primary economic driver in Mallaig, with visitors flocking to the area for its natural beauty, historical sites, and outdoor activities. Fishing remains an important industry, and Mallaig’s harbor continues to support commercial and recreational fishing operations. The town also boasts a growing marine services sector, catering to local and international vessels.

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Amenities and Infrastructure

Mallaig offers a range of amenities and services to meet the needs of its residents and visitors. The town features a well-stocked supermarket, post office, pharmacy, and several shops and restaurants. It also boasts a medical center, dental practice, and a range of educational facilities, including a primary school and a secondary school.

Population and Demographics

Mallaig’s population hovers around 1,000 residents, making it a small but vibrant community. The majority of the population is employed in tourism, fishing, or marine services. Mallaig is home to a diverse and welcoming population, with a strong sense of local pride and tradition.

Postal District and Postal Services

Mallaig falls within the postal district of PH41. Royal Mail provides postal services to the town, with daily deliveries of mail and parcels. The Mallaig Post Office serves as the main collection and distribution center for the area.

Neighbouring Towns and Villages

Mallaig is surrounded by a number of neighboring towns and villages, including Arisaig, Morar, Glenfinnan, and Fort William. These areas offer similar picturesque landscapes, historical attractions, and outdoor activities, contributing to the region’s overall appeal to tourists and residents alike.

Future Development and Prospects

Mallaig is poised for continued growth and development in the future. Its strategic location, stunning natural surroundings, and growing tourism industry provide a solid foundation for economic expansion. The town’s commitment to sustainable tourism and environmental protection ensures its long-term viability as a desirable place to live, work, and visit.


Q: What is the area code for Mallaig?
A: 01687

Q: Where is Mallaig located?
A: West coast of Scotland, in the heart of the Highlands

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Q: What is Mallaig known for?
A: Coastal charm, maritime heritage, transportation hub, scenic landscapes

Q: Is Mallaig a good place to visit?
A: Yes, Mallaig offers stunning scenery, historical attractions, and outdoor activities

Q: What industries are important in Mallaig?
A: Tourism, fishing, marine services

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