Area code 01706 Rochdale

Area Code 01706 Rochdale – An Overview

Area code 01706 is a geographic telephone area code in the United Kingdom assigned to Rochdale and its surrounding areas in Greater Manchester, England. It was created in 1995 as a split from the original 0706 area code, which previously covered the entire Greater Manchester region. Today, area code 01706 serves approximately 290,000 people and is administered by the Office of Communications (Ofcom).

Geographic Location and Coverage of Rochdale

Rochdale is a large town located in the northern part of Greater Manchester, approximately 10 miles (16 kilometers) northeast of Manchester city center. The town is situated within the South Pennines foothills and is known for its scenic landscapes, including the Rochdale Canal and Hollingworth Lake. Area code 01706 covers the town of Rochdale itself, as well as the surrounding areas, including Middleton, Heywood, and Littleborough.

Historical Evolution of Area Code 01706

The history of area code 01706 is closely tied to the development of the telephone network in Rochdale. In the early days of telephony, Rochdale was served by the 0706 area code, which was assigned to the entire Greater Manchester region. However, as the population and demand for telephone services grew, the need for additional area codes became evident. In 1995, area code 01706 was created as a split from 0706, specifically for use in Rochdale and its surrounding areas.

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Economic and Demographic Profile of Rochdale

Rochdale is a diverse and vibrant town with a rich economic and cultural heritage. The town is home to a range of industries, including manufacturing, engineering, and textiles. Rochdale is also known for its strong retail sector, with a variety of shopping centers and independent businesses. The population of Rochdale is estimated to be around 290,000, and the town is home to a diverse community with people from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures.

Telecommunication Infrastructure in Rochdale

Rochdale has a well-developed telecommunication infrastructure, providing residents and businesses with access to a range of services. The town is served by a number of fixed-line and mobile network operators, ensuring reliable and high-speed connectivity. Rochdale is also home to a number of internet service providers, offering a variety of broadband and fiber-optic services. The town’s telecommunication infrastructure is constantly evolving, with new technologies and services being introduced regularly.

Notable Phone Numbers in Area Code 01706

There are a number of notable phone numbers in area code 01706, including:

  • Rochdale Borough Council: 01706 924000
  • Rochdale Infirmary: 01706 517222
  • Rochdale Police Station: 01706 521444
  • Rochdale Magistrates’ Court: 01706 857711
  • Rochdale Train Station: 01706 865678

Directory Assistance and Emergency Services

Directory assistance services are available in area code 01706 by dialing 118 500. This service can be used to find the phone number of a particular person or business. In the event of an emergency, residents and visitors to Rochdale can dial 999 to reach emergency services, including the police, fire brigade, and ambulance service.

Mobile Connectivity and Area Code 01706

Mobile connectivity in Rochdale is provided by a number of network operators, including EE, O2, Vodafone, and Three. These operators offer a range of mobile services, including voice, text, and data. The coverage of mobile networks in Rochdale is generally good, and most areas of the town have access to fast and reliable mobile internet speeds.

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Future Developments in Telecommunication

The telecommunication landscape in Rochdale is constantly evolving, with new technologies and services being introduced regularly. In the coming years, it is likely that we will see continued improvements in mobile connectivity, with the rollout of 5G and other next-generation networks. We can also expect to see increased adoption of fiber-optic broadband services, providing even faster and more reliable internet speeds.

Social and Cultural Impact of Phone Numbers

Phone numbers play a significant social and cultural role in our lives. They provide a way for us to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. They also allow us to access a wide range of services, including emergency services, healthcare, and financial institutions. Phone numbers have become an essential part of our modern society, and they continue to play an important role in our daily lives.


Q: What is the area code for Rochdale?
A: The area code for Rochdale is 01706.

Q: What is the geographic coverage of area code 01706?
A: Area code 01706 covers the town of Rochdale and its surrounding areas in Greater Manchester, England.

Q: When was area code 01706 created?
A: Area code 01706 was created in 1995 as a split from the original 0706 area code.

Q: What is the population of Rochdale?
A: The population of Rochdale is estimated to be around 290,000.

Q: What are some notable phone numbers in area code 01706?
A: Notable phone numbers in area code 01706 include Rochdale Borough Council (01706 924000), Rochdale Infirmary (01706 517222), and Rochdale Police Station (01706 521444).

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