Area code 01721 Peebles

Geographical Location of Area Code 01721

Area code 01721 geographically encompasses the vibrant town of Peebles in the picturesque Scottish Borders region. Nestled amidst rolling hills and scenic landscapes, Peebles lies approximately 23 miles (37 kilometers) south of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The town is strategically positioned at the confluence of the River Tweed and Eddleston Water, adding to its natural allure.

The History and Origins of Area Code 01721

Area code 01721 was introduced as part of the nationwide implementation of the United Kingdom’s postal code system in 1995. The code was assigned to Peebles and the surrounding localities to facilitate efficient routing of telephone calls within the region. Prior to 1995, Peebles used the area code 01723, which was shared with Galashiels and other neighboring towns.

The Communities Served by Area Code 01721

Area code 01721 primarily serves the town of Peebles and its immediate environs. It encompasses the residential, commercial, and industrial areas within the town’s boundaries, as well as the surrounding countryside. The code also covers the villages of Eddleston, Lyne, and Skirling, which are located within Peebles’ catchment area.

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Local Administration and Governance of Area Code 01721

The local administration of area code 01721 falls under the jurisdiction of Scottish Borders Council. The council is responsible for providing a range of public services to the residents of Peebles and the surrounding communities, including education, social care, waste management, and transportation. Peebles is represented by three councilors on the Scottish Borders Council.

Economic Profile of Area Code 01721

Peebles boasts a diverse economy with a mix of traditional industries and modern businesses. Tourism plays a significant role in the local economy, with visitors drawn to the town’s historic center, picturesque surroundings, and outdoor recreational opportunities. Other key industries include manufacturing, agriculture, and retail. The town is home to several small-scale manufacturing businesses, including tweed mills and engineering companies.

Population Demographics of Area Code 01721

As of 2022, the population of Peebles and the surrounding communities served by area code 01721 is estimated to be around 8,500. The population is predominantly Scottish, with a small but growing number of immigrants from other parts of the United Kingdom and abroad. The median age of the population is slightly higher than the national average, reflecting the town’s appeal to retirees and families.

Healthcare Services in Area Code 01721

Area code 01721 benefits from a well-established healthcare system. The town is served by Peebles Cottage Hospital, which provides a range of acute and outpatient services to the local population. The hospital is part of NHS Borders, the regional health board responsible for delivering healthcare services in the Scottish Borders region. Private healthcare providers also operate in the area, offering a variety of specialized services.

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Educational Institutions in Area Code 01721

Area code 01721 offers a comprehensive range of educational institutions catering to students of all ages. The town is home to Peebles High School, which provides secondary education to students from the Peebles area. The high school has a strong academic reputation and offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. Primary education is provided by several primary schools located throughout Peebles. The town also has a number of pre-schools and nurseries.

Transportation Infrastructure in Area Code 01721

Peebles is well-connected to the rest of Scotland by road and rail. The town is located on the A703 road, which links it to Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders region. The nearest railway station is Peebles Railway Station, which provides regular services to Edinburgh and Galashiels. Bus services operated by Borders Buses connect Peebles to neighboring towns and villages.

Tourism and Culture in Area Code 01721

Peebles is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from both Scotland and abroad. The town is home to a number of historic buildings and landmarks, including Peebles Castle and Neidpath Castle. The town’s historic center is a vibrant hub of activity, with a variety of shops, restaurants, and cafes. Peebles also hosts a number of annual events, including the Peebles Beltane Festival and the Peebles Arts Festival.


Q: What is the area code for Peebles?
A: The area code for Peebles is 01721.

Q: What region does area code 01721 cover?
A: Area code 01721 covers the town of Peebles and the surrounding communities in the Scottish Borders region.

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Q: When was area code 01721 introduced?
A: Area code 01721 was introduced in 1995 as part of the nationwide implementation of the United Kingdom’s postal code system.

Q: What is the population of the area served by area code 01721?
A: The population of the area served by area code 01721 is estimated to be around 8,500 as of 2022.

Q: What is the main industry in the area served by area code 01721?
A: The main industry in the area served by area code 01721 is tourism, followed by manufacturing, agriculture, and retail.

Q: What is the nearest airport to the area served by area code 01721?
A: The nearest airport to the area served by area code 01721 is Edinburgh Airport (EDI), which is approximately 23 miles (37 kilometers) north of Peebles.

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