Area code 01769 South Molton

Area Code (01769) South Molton: A Comprehensive Overview

Area code (01769) is assigned to the town of South Molton in Devon, England. It is part of the Barnstaple and North Devon dialling code area. The area code was introduced in 1995 as part of the Postcode Address File (PAF) system. It is used for landlines and mobile phones in the South Molton area.

Historical Origins of the Area Code (01769) South Molton

Prior to 1995, South Molton was part of the Barnstaple dialling code area (0271). However, as the number of telephone lines in the area increased, a new area code was required to accommodate the growing demand. The (01769) area code was created to serve the South Molton area specifically.

Geographical Coverage and Boundary of Area Code (01769) South Molton

The (01769) area code covers the town of South Molton and its surrounding areas, including the villages of Bishop’s Nympton, Brushford, Charles, Filleigh, and North Molton. The boundary of the area code generally follows the administrative boundaries of the South Molton parish.

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Population and Demographics Served by Area Code (01769) South Molton

As of 2022, the population of the South Molton urban area is approximately 5,200. The majority of the population is of British descent, with a significant minority of Polish and other Eastern European residents. The area is predominantly rural, with a mix of agricultural and residential properties.

Economic Activity and Industries in Area Code (01769) South Molton

The economy of the South Molton area is primarily based on agriculture, tourism, and small businesses. The town is home to several livestock markets and agricultural suppliers. Tourism is also an important industry, with visitors attracted to the town’s historic market square, medieval buildings, and surrounding countryside.

Telecommunications Infrastructure and Service Providers in Area Code (01769) South Molton

The (01769) area code is served by a range of telecommunications providers, including BT, EE, Vodafone, and Three. The area has good mobile phone coverage, with 4G and 5G services available in most areas. Broadband internet access is also widely available, with speeds of up to 100Mbps in some areas.

Notable Landmarks and Tourist Attractions within Area Code (01769) South Molton

South Molton is home to several notable landmarks and tourist attractions, including:

  • The medieval South Molton Church, which dates back to the 12th century
  • The Victorian Pannier Market, a covered market building that houses a variety of shops and stalls
  • The South Molton Museum, which tells the story of the town’s history and culture
  • The National Trust’s Knightshayes Court, a grand Victorian country house and gardens

Local Government and Administrative Divisions in Area Code (01769) South Molton

South Molton is located within the North Devon administrative district. The town is governed by the South Molton Town Council, which is responsible for providing local services such as street lighting, waste collection, and community events.

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History and Evolution of Area Code (01769) South Molton

The (01769) area code was introduced in 1995 as part of the Postcode Address File (PAF) system. Prior to this, South Molton was part of the Barnstaple dialling code area (0271). The area code has remained unchanged since its introduction.

Future Prospects and Development Plans for Area Code (01769) South Molton

The future prospects for the (01769) area code are positive. The town of South Molton is expected to continue to grow in population and economic activity. The area code is likely to remain in use for the foreseeable future, serving the growing needs of the local community.


Q: What is the area code for South Molton?
A: The area code for South Molton is (01769).

Q: What area does the (01769) area code cover?
A: The (01769) area code covers the town of South Molton and its surrounding areas, including the villages of Bishop’s Nympton, Brushford, Charles, Filleigh, and North Molton.

Q: When was the (01769) area code introduced?
A: The (01769) area code was introduced in 1995.

Q: What is the population of the South Molton area?
A: As of 2022, the population of the South Molton urban area is approximately 5,200.

Q: What are the main industries in the South Molton area?
A: The main industries in the South Molton area are agriculture, tourism, and small businesses.

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