Area code 01981 Wormbridge

Area Code 01981: A Comprehensive Overview

Area code 01981 is a geographical identifier assigned to the Wormbridge area in Herefordshire, England. It forms part of the larger 01981/01544 area code region, serving the counties of Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. This comprehensive overview delves into the history, demographics, economy, infrastructure, and notable features of the 01981 area code region.

History and Origins of Area Code 01981

The 01981 area code was introduced in 1995 as part of the Postcode Address File (PAF) system, a national database that assigns postal codes and area codes to geographical locations in the United Kingdom. Prior to 1995, the Wormbridge area was included in the 01432 area code, which covered the wider region of Herefordshire.

Geographical Coverage of Area Code 01981

Area code 01981 encompasses the town of Wormbridge and its surrounding rural areas. It covers a relatively small geographical region, primarily within the county of Herefordshire. The area code boundary aligns with the postal code district of HR2 9, which includes the villages of Old Gore, New Gore, and Stoney Street.

Population and Demographics in Area Code 01981

According to the 2011 census, the population of the 01981 area code region was approximately 2,500. The population is predominantly rural, with a higher proportion of elderly residents compared to the national average. The region has a strong sense of community and a rich cultural heritage.

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Economic Profile and Industries in Area Code 01981

The economy of the 01981 area code region is primarily driven by agriculture, tourism, and small businesses. The area is renowned for its picturesque countryside and historic landmarks, attracting a steady stream of visitors. Local businesses include farm shops, guesthouses, and craft workshops, catering to both residents and tourists alike.

Transportation and Infrastructure in Area Code 01981

The 01981 area code region is well-connected by road, with the A49 trunk road running through the area. Public transportation is limited, with bus services connecting Wormbridge to Hereford and other nearby towns. The nearest railway station is in Hereford, approximately 10 miles from Wormbridge.

Education and Healthcare in Area Code 01981

The 01981 area code region is served by a primary school in Wormbridge and secondary schools in the surrounding towns. Higher education is available at Hereford College of Arts, approximately 10 miles away. Healthcare services are provided by the local GP surgery and the Hereford County Hospital.

Notable Landmarks and Attractions in Area Code 01981

The 01981 area code region boasts several notable landmarks and attractions. The village of Wormbridge is home to the Grade I listed St. Peter’s Church, which dates back to the 12th century. Other notable landmarks include the ruins of Wormsley Priory, Sutton Walls, and the Black Mountains.

Current and Future Developments in Area Code 01981

The 01981 area code region is experiencing steady growth in tourism and residential development. The area’s picturesque countryside and historic landmarks continue to attract visitors and new residents alike. Local businesses are adapting to meet the growing demand for tourism-related services.

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Area Code 01981: A Thriving Hub in the Heart of England

Area code 01981 represents a thriving hub in the heart of England. Its rich history, beautiful countryside, and strong sense of community make it an attractive destination for residents, businesses, and tourists alike. The region continues to develop and adapt, embracing the opportunities presented by the 21st century.


Q: What is the area code for Wormbridge?
A: 01981

Q: What region does area code 01981 cover?
A: The Wormbridge area in Herefordshire, England

Q: When was the 01981 area code introduced?
A: 1995

Q: What is the population of the 01981 area code region?
A: Approximately 2,500 (2011 census)

Q: What industries are important in the 01981 area code region?
A: Agriculture, tourism, and small businesses

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