Area code 023 Southampton / Portsmouth

Area Code 023: Southampton and Portsmouth

Area code 023 is a geographical area code assigned to the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth in the south-central region of England. It is administered by the Office of Communications (Ofcom), the regulatory body responsible for telecommunications in the United Kingdom.

Historical Origins of Area Code 023

The origins of area code 023 can be traced back to the implementation of the British telephone numbering plan in 1958. At the time, the city of Southampton was assigned area code 0703, while Portsmouth was assigned area code 0705. In 1995, as part of a nationwide restructuring of area codes, Southampton and Portsmouth were merged under a single area code, 023.

Geographical Coverage of Area Code 023

Area code 023 covers a geographical area that encompasses the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth, as well as their surrounding towns and villages. The coverage includes the Isle of Wight, which is administratively part of Hampshire but is geographically separated from the mainland.

Major Cities Served by Area Code 023

The two major cities served by area code 023 are Southampton and Portsmouth.

Southampton is a major port city located on the south coast of England. It is home to the University of Southampton and Southampton Football Club.

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Portsmouth is a naval port city located on the southern coast of England. It is home to the historic Portsmouth Dockyard and HMS Victory, the flagship of Admiral Horatio Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Population Distribution within Area Code 023

The population distribution within area code 023 is concentrated in the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth.

Southampton has a population of approximately 255,000, making it the third largest city in Hampshire and the 15th largest in England.

Portsmouth has a population of approximately 207,000, making it the fifth largest city in Hampshire and the 21st largest in England.

Economic Profile of Area Code 023

The economic profile of area code 023 is diverse, with a strong focus on maritime industries, tourism, and manufacturing.

Maritime industries are a major employer in the region, with the Port of Southampton being one of the busiest in the United Kingdom.

Tourism is another important industry, with the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth attracting visitors from around the world.

Manufacturing is also a significant industry, with a focus on aerospace, electronics, and automotive components.

Infrastructure and Connectivity in Area Code 023

Area code 023 has a well-developed infrastructure and connectivity, with access to major transportation networks and high-speed internet services.

Transportation is well-served by road, rail, and air. Southampton Airport provides connections to domestic and international destinations.

Internet connectivity is widely available, with high-speed broadband and fiber optic networks providing fast and reliable access.

Emergency Services and Public Utilities

Area code 023 is served by a range of emergency services and public utilities.

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Emergency services include the Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, and South Central Ambulance Service.

Public utilities include Southern Water, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, and National Grid Gas.

Notable Businesses and Institutions in Area Code 023

Area code 023 is home to a number of notable businesses and institutions.

Businesses include Airbus, BAE Systems, and IBM.

Institutions include the University of Southampton, the University of Portsmouth, and the Royal Navy.

Future Prospects for Area Code 023

The future prospects for area code 023 are positive, with continued growth expected in the region’s economy and population.

Economic growth is expected to be driven by the continued expansion of maritime industries, tourism, and manufacturing.

Population growth is expected to be driven by the region’s strong economy and desirable quality of life.


Q: What is the area code for Southampton and Portsmouth?
A: 023

Q: When was area code 023 introduced?
A: 1995

Q: What is the population of Southampton?
A: Approximately 255,000

Q: What is the population of Portsmouth?
A: Approximately 207,000

Q: What are the major industries in area code 023?
A: Maritime industries, tourism, and manufacturing

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