Guatemala Dialing Information

Guatemala Country Code and Area Codes

Country Calling Code:
Guatemala’s country calling code is +502. This code must be dialed before the area code and phone number when making international calls to Guatemala.

Area Codes:
Guatemala utilizes area codes for its landlines. The area codes are two digits long and are assigned to specific regions of the country. When dialing within Guatemala, the area code must be dialed before the seven-digit phone number.

Making Calls from Guatemala to Other Countries

Exit Code:
To make international calls from Guatemala, dial the exit code 00.

Dial Order:
The dial order for international calls from Guatemala is:

  • Exit code (00)
  • Country code
  • Area code (if applicable)
  • Phone number

To call a landline number in the United States, you would dial: 00 + 1 + (area code) + (seven-digit phone number).

Calling Guatemala from International Locations

Dial Order:
To call a landline number in Guatemala from an international location, dial the following sequence:

  • Your country’s exit code
  • Guatemala’s country code (+502)
  • Area code
  • Seven-digit phone number

To call a landline number in Guatemala City from the United States, you would dial: 011 + 502 + 2 + (seven-digit phone number).

Emergency Numbers in Guatemala

Police: 110
Ambulance: 128
Fire Department: 122
Tourist Police: 1500

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These numbers can be dialed from any phone in Guatemala, both landlines and mobile phones. It is recommended to save these numbers in your phone for easy access in an emergency.

Mobile Phone Network Providers in Guatemala

Major Providers:

  • Claro
  • Tigo
  • Movistar

These providers offer a range of mobile phone plans and services, including voice, data, and SMS.

Prepaid Phone Cards in Guatemala

Prepaid phone cards can be purchased from various retail outlets throughout Guatemala. They offer a convenient way to make calls without having to subscribe to a monthly plan.

Roaming Services in Guatemala

Most major mobile phone providers offer roaming services in Guatemala. However, it is important to check with your provider about specific coverage and rates before traveling.

International Calling Plans for Guatemalan Residents

Major mobile phone providers in Guatemala offer international calling plans that can help reduce the cost of calling to other countries. These plans typically include a bundle of minutes or unlimited calling to specific destinations.

Useful Dialing Tips for Guatemala

Dialing Mobile Numbers:
To dial a mobile number in Guatemala, dial the country code (+502) followed by the eight-digit mobile number.

Calling Landlines:
When dialing a landline number in Guatemala from within the country, dial the area code followed by the seven-digit phone number.

Avoiding International Prefix:
When dialing a Guatemalan number from within Guatemala, do not include the international prefix +502. This can result in incorrect dialing.

Dialing Codes for Major Guatemalan Cities

City Area Code
Guatemala City 2
Antigua Guatemala 783
Quetzaltenango 776
Cobán 585
Puerto Barrios 587

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