Guinea-Bissau Dialing Information

Guinea-Bissau Dialing Information

Country Code and Prefix

The country code for Guinea-Bissau is +245. To call Guinea-Bissau from another country, dial the plus sign (+), followed by the country code (245), and then the local phone number.

Dialing Format

To call a landline or mobile number in Guinea-Bissau, follow this format:

+245 – (Area Code) – (Local Number)

  • The plus sign (+) indicates the international prefix.
  • The country code (245) comes after the plus sign.
  • The area code (for landlines) or mobile prefix comes next.
  • The local number is the final part of the phone number.

Landline and Mobile Numbers

Landline numbers in Guinea-Bissau are typically 8 digits long, while mobile numbers are 9 digits long. Mobile numbers usually start with a prefix, such as 77, 78, or 95.

Area Codes in Guinea-Bissau

Guinea-Bissau has the following area codes:

  • Bissau: 20
  • Bafatá: 40
  • Bolama: 50
  • Cacheu: 60
  • Gabú: 70

International Calls to Guinea-Bissau

To call Guinea-Bissau from abroad, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country (e.g., 00 for most European countries).
  2. Dial the country code for Guinea-Bissau (+245).
  3. Dial the area code for the city or region you are calling.
  4. Dial the local phone number.

Calling from Guinea-Bissau Internationally

To call a foreign country from Guinea-Bissau, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the international access code for Guinea-Bissau (00).
  2. Dial the country code for the country you are calling.
  3. Dial the area code (if applicable).
  4. Dial the local phone number.
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Emergency Numbers

In case of an emergency, the following numbers can be dialed in Guinea-Bissau:

  • Police: 117
  • Ambulance: 118
  • Fire Department: 119

Useful Tips for Dialing

  • When dialing a landline, you do not need to include the area code.
  • When dialing a mobile number, you must include the mobile prefix.
  • Some mobile operators in Guinea-Bissau may require you to dial a prefix (such as 0) before the local number.
  • It is always best to check with the local operator or consult the country’s telecommunications website for up-to-date dialing information.

Troubleshooting Dialing Issues

If you encounter any issues when dialing Guinea-Bissau, check the following:

  • Ensure you are using the correct country code (+245).
  • Verify that you have dialed the area code (if applicable).
  • Check if the local phone number is correct.
  • If you are still having problems, contact your phone service provider or the Guinea-Bissau telecommunications company.

Additional Information

Recent Changes: There have been no recent changes to Guinea-Bissau’s dialing procedures or codes.

Cultural Considerations: It is considered polite to greet the person you are calling before starting a conversation. Calls are typically made during business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM).

Common Mistakes: A common mistake is forgetting to dial the area code when calling landlines. Another mistake is dialing the local number only, without the area code or mobile prefix.

Useful Resources:

Get a Virtual Phone Number


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