Haiti Dialing Information

Haiti Country & International Dialing Codes

Country Calling Code:

Haiti’s country calling code is +509. This code must be dialed before the area code and phone number when making international calls to Haiti.

International Dialing Format:

To call Haiti from another country, dial the following:

+509 (area code) (phone number)

Haiti Area Codes & City Codes

Haiti has implemented a system of area codes to facilitate local and national calling. Each city or region has its own unique area code, as follows:

  • Port-au-Prince: 28
  • Gonaives: 22
  • Cap-Haitien: 20
  • Les Cayes: 35
  • Jacmel: 38

How to Dial a Phone Number in Haiti

From Within Haiti:

To dial a phone number within Haiti, simply dial the area code followed by the phone number. For example, to call a number in Port-au-Prince, dial:

28 (phone number)

From Another Country:

To call a phone number in Haiti from another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial your country’s exit code (e.g., 00 for the US)
  2. Dial Haiti’s country calling code (+509)
  3. Dial the area code (e.g., 28 for Port-au-Prince)
  4. Dial the phone number

Using a Landline to Call Haiti

When using a landline to call Haiti, follow the same dialing procedures as outlined above. Ensure that you have an international calling plan or sufficient credit to make international calls.

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Using a Mobile Phone to Call Haiti

To call Haiti using a mobile phone, follow the same dialing procedures as with a landline. However, check with your mobile carrier to ensure that you have international roaming enabled and sufficient funds for the call.

Calling Haiti from Another Country

To call Haiti from another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial your country’s exit code (e.g., 00 for the US)
  2. Dial Haiti’s country calling code (+509)
  3. Dial the area code (e.g., 28 for Port-au-Prince)
  4. Dial the phone number

Calling from Haiti to Another Country

To call another country from Haiti, follow these steps:

  1. Dial 00 to access the international line
  2. Dial the country code of the country you are calling (e.g., 1 for the US)
  3. Dial the area code (if applicable)
  4. Dial the phone number

Dialing Emergency Numbers in Haiti

In case of emergencies, dial the following numbers:

  • Police: 911
  • Ambulance: 911
  • Fire Department: 911

International Calling Rates to and from Haiti

International calling rates to and from Haiti vary depending on the service provider and calling plan. Contact your service provider for specific rates.

Tips for Making Calls to or from Haiti

  • Always check the dialing procedures and rates before making international calls.
  • Use a calling card or VOIP service for cheaper international calls.
  • Avoid calling during peak hours to minimize costs.
  • Be aware of any cultural considerations, such as appropriate times for calling.

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