Honduras Dialing Information

Honduras Dialing Information

Honduras Country Code and Dialing Format

The Honduras country code is 504. To call Honduras from abroad, dial the country code followed by the area code and the local phone number. For example, to call a landline in Tegucigalpa, you would dial: +504 2234 5678.

Calling Honduras from Different Countries

To call Honduras from the United States or Canada, dial: 011 504 followed by the area code and local phone number.

From Europe, dial: 00 504 instead of 011.

From most other countries, dial your international access code (usually 00 or 000), followed by 504, the area code, and the local phone number.

Dialing from Honduras to Other Countries

To call from Honduras to another country, dial: 00 (international access code) followed by the country code, area code, and local phone number.

Area Codes in Honduras

Honduras uses area codes for landlines. The following are the major area codes:

  • Tegucigalpa: 2234
  • San Pedro Sula: 55
  • La Ceiba: 44
  • Comayagua: 800

Mobile Phone Dialing in Honduras

Mobile phone numbers in Honduras start with the digit 3, 7, 8, or 9. Mobile numbers are typically 8 digits long.

Emergency Numbers in Honduras

  • Police: 911
  • Ambulance: 195
  • Fire Department: 198

International Dialing Restrictions

There are no specific international dialing restrictions in Honduras. However, some countries may have restrictions on calling Honduras. Please check with your local telecommunications provider for details.

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Using a Calling Card in Honduras

Calling cards can be used to make international calls from Honduras. Several different calling card providers operate in Honduras, including:

  • Claro
  • Tigo
  • Digicel

VoIP and Internet Calling Options

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services are available in Honduras. Several providers offer VoIP services, including:

  • Skype
  • Viber
  • WhatsApp

Sample Dialing Guide for Common Destinations

Destination Dialing Code
United States/Canada 011 504
Europe 00 504
Mexico 00 52
Guatemala 00 502
El Salvador 00 503

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