Kuwait Dialing Information

Kuwait Dialing Code

The country calling code for Kuwait is +965. This code must be dialed before the area code and local number when calling Kuwait from another country.

International Dialing from Kuwait

To call a foreign country from Kuwait, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code: 00
  2. Dial the country code: This is a unique two- or three-digit code assigned to each country (e.g., +1 for the United States).
  3. Dial the area code: This is a three-digit code that identifies a specific region within the country you are calling.
  4. Dial the local number: This is the seven-digit phone number of the person or business you are calling.

Dialing Mobile Numbers in Kuwait

Mobile numbers in Kuwait are eight digits long and start with the digit "9". To dial a mobile number from within Kuwait, simply dial the eight-digit number. When calling a mobile number from abroad, follow the steps outlined in the "International Dialing from Kuwait" section.

Emergency Numbers in Kuwait

In case of an emergency, dial the following numbers:

  • Police: 112
  • Ambulance: 113
  • Fire Department: 114

Long Distance Dialing within Kuwait

To call a landline number in another region of Kuwait, dial the following:

  1. Dial the area code of the region you are calling (e.g., 22 for Kuwait City).
  2. Dial the seven-digit local number.
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Calling from Kuwait to Other Countries

When calling from Kuwait to another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code: 00
  2. Dial the country code of the country you are calling.
  3. Dial the area code of the region you are calling (if applicable).
  4. Dial the local number of the person or business you are calling.

Calling from Other Countries to Kuwait

To call Kuwait from another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country.
  2. Dial the Kuwait country code: +965
  3. Dial the area code of the region you are calling (if applicable).
  4. Dial the seven-digit local number.

Using a Public Telephone in Kuwait

Public telephones in Kuwait accept both coins and calling cards. To use a public telephone, follow these steps:

  1. Insert coins or a calling card into the slot.
  2. Dial the desired number.
  3. Wait for the call to connect.

Call Costs and Rates in Kuwait

Call costs and rates in Kuwait vary depending on the service provider and call type. Landline calls within Kuwait are typically inexpensive, while international calls can be more costly.

Troubleshooting Dialing Issues in Kuwait

If you encounter any problems while dialing in Kuwait, try the following:

  • Check that you are dialing the correct number.
  • Ensure you are using the correct exit code and country code.
  • If calling from abroad, verify that your mobile phone or calling card is enabled for international calls.
  • Contact your service provider for assistance.

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