Lebanon Dialing Information

Lebanon Dialing Information: A Comprehensive Guide

Country Calling Code:

The country calling code for Lebanon is +961. It is used to dial Lebanon from outside the country. When dialing a Lebanese number from abroad, always begin with the country code +961, followed by the area code and the local number.

Area Codes:

Lebanon uses area codes for landlines. There are seven area codes in Lebanon:

  • Beirut: 1
  • Mount Lebanon: 5
  • North Lebanon: 6
  • Bekaa: 8
  • South Lebanon: 9
  • Nabatieh: 7

Mobile vs. Landline Dialing:

To dial a landline number from another landline within Lebanon, dial the area code followed by the local number. To dial a mobile number from a landline, dial the area code for the mobile network provider (01, 03, or 09) followed by the local number.

To dial a landline number from a mobile phone, dial the area code followed by the local number. To dial a mobile number from another mobile phone, dial the mobile network provider code (01, 03, or 09) followed by the local number.

Emergency Numbers:

  • Police: 112
  • Ambulance: 140
  • Fire Department: 175

Calling from Abroad:

To call Lebanon from another country, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country (e.g., 011 for the United States).
  2. Dial the country calling code for Lebanon: +961
  3. Dial the area code (see list above).
  4. Dial the local number.

Calling Within the Country:

To call a phone number within Lebanon from another phone within Lebanon, simply dial the area code followed by the local number.

Toll-Free Numbers:

Lebanon does not have a dedicated prefix for toll-free numbers.

Internet Phone Services (VOIP):

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VOIP services are available in Lebanon, but they may not be reliable or widely accessible in all areas.

Additional Information:

Recent Changes:

There have been no recent changes to dialing procedures or codes for Lebanon.

Cultural Considerations:

When making a call to Lebanon, it is considered polite to greet the person you are calling with a formal greeting, such as "As-salamu alaykum" (Peace be upon you). It is also considered respectful to call during reasonable hours, avoiding late nights or early mornings unless necessary.

Common Mistakes:

A common mistake callers make when dialing Lebanon is forgetting to include the country calling code (+961).

Useful Resources:

Get a Virtual Phone Number


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